HRCG Options

You will receive one of our Kits for Wrap Plan Documents ($599) and for Health Care Reform, Benefits Kit, Self Funding Kit, HRA/HSA Kit- (and use with clients again and again) and the following for $500  plus shipping: 

  • Claim and Enrollment Forms
  • Communication Materials to use with Clients
  • 20+ different Power Point Presentations
  • HSA, HRA, FSA, and POP Legal Documents
  • HSA, HRA, FSA, and POP Summary Plan Descriptions
  • Checklists for Health Care Reform, FSA, POP, etc..
  • Amendments to existing Legal Documents to comply with Health Care Reform- updated monthly as needed
  • IRS Regulations and Rulings
  • Free updates for a period of a year (even ObamaCare)
  •  - Generic HSA, HRA, FSA, Section 125 POP  Legal Documents (65+ pages)
  •  - Generic HSA, HRA, FSA, Section 125  POP Summary Plan Descriptions (20+ pages)
  •  - Filing Instructions (2 pages)
  •  - Board of Directors Resolution (1 page)
  •  - Adoption Agreement by other entities (2 pages)
  •  - Sample Claims Forms (1 page)
  •  - Sample Enrollment Forms (4 pages)
  •  - Sample Communication Materials (10 pages)
  •  - Sample Proposal to use with clients (15 pages)
  •  - Sample PowerPoint Presentations Slide Show
  •  - CD and diskette of the Documents
  •  - IRS regulations and rulings (PDF file- 45 pages)
  •  - Published Articles on HSAs and HRAs (12+ pages)
  •  - Trust Agreement, Trust Document, 501c9 Trust Document  (35 pages)
  •  - List of Qualified Non-Bank Trustees and Custodians (10 pages)
  •  - Requirements to become a Trustee and Custodian (6 pages)
  •  - Sample Marketing Letter (4 pages)
  •  - Comparison Spreadsheets between HSA, HRA, and FSA (6 pages)
  •  - Medical Plans 501c9 documents
  •  - Complete Section 125 Cafeteria Plans documents and SPDs 
Health Care Reform and Benefits KIT from HRCG (make checks payable to HR Consulting Group, Inc.)
All prices are in US Dollars Subtotal 500.00
Tax** 0.00

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** For Utah residents only- please add 6.25% state sales tax.

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I agree that I will use these materials only for  my clients and with the agreement that my purchase entitles me to a non-exclusive right to use the  materials for my personal use and for my client’s use only. My right to use the materials is non-transferable and I will agree that I will not copy or reproduce the materials except for clients in any form and that I will not sell, lease, loan or otherwise make them available to third parties or permit anyone else to do the same.  I accept the materials “as is”.

Other information you should know: If you will edit one of the documents to meet your client’s needs, have the document reviewed by a local attorney who is familiar with your specific situation and local laws. The materials are sold with the understanding that the author is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional advice. If legal advice, accounting advice, tax advice, or other expert professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional with expertise in the required area should be sought. These materials have been developed using ideas and information from publications, lectures, and general research. The information contained in these materials is believed to be reliable but it cannot be guaranteed insofar as it is applied to any particular individual or situation.

These materials contain information which is very technical in nature and which is based on laws that often change quickly and completely. When you implement your business plans, a qualified professional must help you in implementing your plan. The author specifically disclaims any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, incurred as a consequence directly or indirectly  of the use and application of any of the information contained in these materials or telephone/email/ or in correspondence given in connection with these materials. In no event will the author or sponsor be liable to the purchaser for any amount greater than the purchase price of these materials- (from the Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers and Associates).




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