HRCG is involved with consulting to and working as an affiliate with several networking companies.

From 1992 to 2011 we have helped such companies as Melaleuca, FundAmerica, Excel Telecommunications, Mmoguls, Mondelis, MyGamesBusiness, Kyani, Trivani,  Savvi, Synergy, etc..

Then in 2012 Robert Thurston resigned and walked away from 244 straight months of Leadership commissions/checks from Melaleuca after enrolling 255+ personal enrollees. Thurston helped open Latin America for Melaleuca.

HRCG accepted a position with the leading weight loss company named Visalus (which was owned by the publically traded company Blythe) and in the first quarter of 2013 with a business partner were the top enrollers in the US. HRCG also helped build and recruit many top leaders worldwide in mlm (Multi Level Marketing) to join them in the United Kingdom for Visalus.

From 2013-2016 HRCG recruited and helped thousands in FGX.

HRCG has teams in US, Canada, Japan, Hong Kong, Philippines, India, Europe with special emphasis in Germany/Austria, Russia, etc..

HR Consulting Group Inc has taken a top spot in 2014 with  and worldwide is developing leaders and teams. 

In 2017 HRCG is expanding worldwide in the US, Africa, UK, Dubai, India, etc. to develop several opportunities.